Open Roads

Architecture and implementation of core gameplay and engine systems for a 1st person narrative game.
As ad-hoc lead, helped the producing team with roadmaps and milestone objectives.
Engine: Unity 2019/2020

Tales of Memo

As the sole programmer on this action puzzler launch title for Apple Arcade, I coded ... nearly everything!
And got to do a lot of producing and some game design as well.
Engine: Unity 2019

The Inner Friend

A very enjoyable 3 months contract that felt like being a multi-disciplined gameplay closer/game editor.
Engine: Unreal 4.12

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Johnny Bad Hair

My 1st contract work! A neat collaboration with Chris Solarski to explore unique stealth mechanics and game systems for his 3rd person action game.
Engine: Unity 5.x/2017

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11-11 Memories Retold

Tiny advisory contract to assist DigixArt gameplay programming team on making choices in a few game systems early in production.